GCF Monitoring Indicators (Annual Outcomes Report)

These indicators are used to track the progress and performance of projects in the GCF portfolio, both during the stage of protected area development and after long-term financing has been established. The first tab in this spreadsheet includes indicators related to protected area mangement effectiveness. It is based on the METT tool that was developed by WWF and the World Bank, with some modifications. The second tab includes indicators designed to track the effectiveness of conservation endowments and trust funds. These indicators were developed based on best practices for the success of consevation endowments, conservation trust funds, and other long-term financing arrangments.



Annual Report 2011

his is the Annual Report 2011 from Funbio, the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund. It is available online on Funbio's website in Portuguese and English.

The Annual Report is presented as a summary, printed in paper. It also has a mini-CD with the complete file. 







Manual Fundo de Áreas Protegidas

Um importante elemento inovador do Arpa na sua primeira fase (2003-2010) foi a constituição do Fundo de Áreas Protegidas (FAP). Trata-se de um fundo fiduciário do tipo endownment fund (fundo de doação) que investe apenas os rendimentos reais do capital depositado. O FAP é revestido de caráter de política pública e interesse público, motivo pelo qual encontra no Ministério do Meio Ambiente seu órgão instituidor. O Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Funbio), executor financeiro do Arpa, realizará a gestão do FAP.

Este Manual Operacional do Fundo de Áreas Protegidas foi concebido no intuito de orientar e apresentar as diretrizes para o uso dos recursos do FAP, sendo uma ferramenta de trabalho de fácil acesso para todos os envolvidos na sua implementação e operação cotidiana.

Os procedimentos descritos neste manual refletem os acordos de doação realizados na primeira e na segunda fase do Arpa, que viabilizaram a criação e a implementação do FAP e o Acordo de Cooperação assinado entre o Ministério do Meio Ambiente e o Funbio para execução do Programa.

O Manual Operacional do FAP está organizado em seis capítulos. O primeiro discorre sobre o Arpa, seus objetivos e suas metas. O segundo capítulo abrange os objetivos do FAP, apresenta sua governança e como será estabelecido o gerenciamento do Fundo. O terceiro descreve a composição de recursos do FAP. A abordagem sobre a operacionalização do Fundo, no que diz respeito ao planejamento das UCs, encontra-se no quarto capítulo. O quinto relata a prestação de contas e a auditoria físico-financeira. No sexto é demonstrado o mecanismo de salvaguardas do FAP. Por fim, são apresentados os anexos deste Manual.





Call for Proposals: Convocatoria para Propuestas

The RedLAC Capacity Building Project also supports calls for proposals, which are exclusive to RedLAC members, and aim at inviting proposals to design and/or adapt and/or implement new conservation finance mechanisms that are sustainable and do not depend exclusively on donations, preferably focusing on market-oriented initiatives.

This call for proposals took place in December 2011.



Workshop 5: Opportunities for Environmental Funds in Compensation and Offset Themes

This material was produced for the fifth RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.
Host fund: Suriname Conservation Foundation (SCF)
Venue: Paramaribo, Suriname
Date: November 11th to 13th, 2011
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC
Coordination: Business and Biodiversity Offsets Program, BBOP




Workshop 4: Fundraising Strategies for Environmental Funds

This material was produced for the fourth RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.
Host fund: Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF)
Venue: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Date: September, 27th to 28th, 2011
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC
Coordination: Aligning Visions




Optional Manual for Pilot Projects on Innovative Financial Mechanisms

This operational manual was developed to guide the RedLAC member Environmental Funds responsible for the Pilot Projects on Innovative Financial Mechanisms supported by the RedLAC Capacity Building Project.

Download PDF

Workshop 3: The Roles of Environmental Funds in REDD+

This material was produced for the third RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.
Host fund: Brazilian Biodiversity Fund, Funbio
Venue: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: July, 5th to 7th, 2011
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC
Coordination: Amazon Environmental Research Institute, IPAM




Call for Concept Notes: Convocatoria para notas concepto

The RedLAC Capacity Building Project also supports calls for proposals, which are exclusive to RedLAC members, and aim at inviting proposals to design and/or adapt and/or implement new conservation finance mechanisms that are sustainable and do not depend exclusively on donations, preferably focusing on market-oriented initiatives.

This call for concept notes took place in May 2011.




Workshop 2: Strategic Planning for Environmental Funds

This material was produced for the second RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.
Host fund: Kenya Wildlife Service Fund
Venue: Mombasa, Kenya
Date: March, 29th to 31th, 2011
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC
Coordinators: Carlos Quintela and Steven Phillips


