Additional Resources

Fondos Ambientales como Practica de Conservacion y Desarollo Sustentable en America Latina y el Caribe

This document is a description of the Environmental Funds that were members of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC) in 2003. It provides information on their policies and practices intended to be useful to RedLAC in the preparation of its strategic plan. The report is not an evaluation of EF management, but a descriptive work derived from information provided by each of the participating EFs. The individual case studies likewise are prepared by the Funds themselves and may not reflect the perceptions of external stakeholders.

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Workshop 9: Resources Mobilization for Environmental Funds

This material was produced for the 9th RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.

Host fund: Costa Rica Por Siempre
Venue: San Jose, Costa Rica
Date: November 1 - 3, 2013
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC and Host Funds
Coordination: Benjamin Landreau, from Green Eco-Land




Workshop 8: Governance Strategies for Environmental Funds

This material was produced for the eighth RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.

Host fund: Fondation Tany Meva and Madagascar Biodiversity Fund
Venue: Antisiranana, Madagascar
Date: September 16 to 18, 2013
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC and Host Funds
Coordination: Gaetan Quesne and Alain Lafontaine



Workshop 7: Monitoring the Impact of EF Projects on Biodiversity Conservation in PAs

This material was produced for the seventh RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.
Host fund: Profonanpe
Venue: Lima, Peru
Date: November 9 to 11, 2012
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC
Coordination: Allen D. Putney and Paquita Bath

Also visit the workshop page for further resources.


