Sondeo de Acompaniamiento 2012

Fondo Acción’s 2012 satisfaction survey questioner applied to proponents (individuals, NGOs and Community Based organizations) that presented proposals to participate in the Fund’s Calls.


SondeoSatisfaccionProponentes2012_Fondo Accion.pdf

Quinta Convocatoria de Conserva Colombia - Términos de Referencia 2012

Terms of reference for the 5th Call for proposals for the Program Conserva Colombia, coordinated by Fondo Acción and The Nature Conservancy. Conserva Colombia co finances and supports the declaration of Public Local Protected Areas and the constitution of Civil Society Natural Reserves.


ToR Conserva Colombia Convoc 5_Fondo Accion.pdf

Stock Exchange Indexs SRI KEHATI

The Indonesian Biodivesity Fund (KEHATI) presents its Sustainable and Responsible Investment Index (SRI), a stock price index that can serve as a guideline or information for investors. The SRI KEHATI Index - a new stock price index benchmark - is also addressed in this document.


Workshop 7: Monitoring the Impact of EF Projects on Biodiversity Conservation in PAs

This material was produced for the seventh RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.
Host fund: Profonanpe
Venue: Lima, Peru
Date: November 9 to 11, 2012
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC
Coordination: Allen D. Putney and Paquita Bath

Also visit the workshop page for further resources.




Workshop 6: Communication and Marketing for Environmental Funds

This material was produced for the sixth RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.
Host fund: Bwindi Mgahinga Conservation Trust
Venue: Entebbe, Uganda
Date: September 25 and 26, 2012
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC
Coordination: Padma Environmental Consulting
Also visit the workshop page for further resources.


