Grant Making

Contratos Administrativos

ToR de Profesionales - Fondo Acción

Terms of Reference for the hiring of services from a specialized professional to coordinate the writing of the proposal for preparation of ¨Readiness¨, according to the framework established in the formulation format, designed by the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF).

Terms of Reference for the recruitment of an administrative assistant, responsible for providing logistical support to the consulting team that coordinates the formulation of the proposal for preparation of ¨Readiness¨, according to the framework established in the formulation format, designed by the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF).

Terms of Reference for the hiring of a consultant to elaborate the mapping of relevant actors, design and conduct workshops and activities for generate understanding, communication and participation; to prepare the component "Consultation and participation of relevant actors" to be implemented during the Readiness phase, and the design of the Terms of Reference to evaluate social and environmental impacts, using the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) methodology during the Readiness phase.





Quinta Convocatoria de Conserva Colombia - Términos de Referencia 2012

Terms of reference for the 5th Call for proposals for the Program Conserva Colombia, coordinated by Fondo Acción and The Nature Conservancy. Conserva Colombia co finances and supports the declaration of Public Local Protected Areas and the constitution of Civil Society Natural Reserves.


ToR Conserva Colombia Convoc 5_Fondo Accion.pdf