Open Door Policy | Politica de Portas Abertas

Funbio is committed to full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations by our employees and agents.

Funbio does not tolerate unethical activities or any conduct in violation of our policies. Each employee is

required to promptly report any activities which he/she reasonably believes, in good faith, constitute unlawful

conduct, conflicts of interest, or activities that are in violation of Funbio’s policies. In addition, employees are

encouraged to report any issues, concerns or activities that he/she believes in good faith are unethical,

suspect, questionable or may be contrary to the institution’s policies, practices or operations. Accordingly,

Funbio has established procedures for (i) reporting by employees of suspected violations or other concerns,

and (ii) the receipt, investigation, and treatment of these reports.



Gender Mainstreaming Action Plan | Plano de Ação para a Igualdade de Gênero

In this Action Plan, Funbio seeks to mainstream these and other advances in gender equality and development decision-making within the framework of its project cycle. To this end, Funbio has (a) identified a set of principles to orient its work in gender mainstreaming and established (b) internal structures for the monitoring of gender issues within its project cycle and (c) policies promoting proactive actions for achieving greater gender equality in its projects.



Code of Ethical Conduct | Código de Conduta Ética

This Code of Conduct defines behavioral norms, with the objective of orienting and formalizing institutional and operational relationships, minimizing the subjectivity of personal interpretations of what constitute moral and ethical principles. In this vein, the information contained herein must be reflected in our professional actions, so that we can attain ever higher quality standards, and which promote a positive differential in the exercise of our activities.



Indigenous Peoples Policy | Política para Povos Indígenas

With 236 distinct Indigenous peoples, located on 565 different Indigenous Lands, and speaking over 180 languages,i Brazil is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. Indigenous Lands encompass over 12% of the total area of Brazil, which operate under a special regime of protection, and Indigenous peoples are important managers of this rich natural heritage. Although FUNBIO does not have as part of its direct mandate working with Indigenous Peoples, it has prior experience with several projects that involve Indigenous Peoples and anticipates that future projects may incorporate such involvement.



Workshop 9: Resources Mobilization for Environmental Funds

This material was produced for the 9th RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.

Host fund: Costa Rica Por Siempre
Venue: San Jose, Costa Rica
Date: November 1 - 3, 2013
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC and Host Funds
Coordination: Benjamin Landreau, from Green Eco-Land




Workshop 8: Governance Strategies for Environmental Funds

This material was produced for the eighth RedLAC Capacity Building workshop.

Host fund: Fondation Tany Meva and Madagascar Biodiversity Fund
Venue: Antisiranana, Madagascar
Date: September 16 to 18, 2013
Organization: Funbio, on behalf of RedLAC and Host Funds
Coordination: Gaetan Quesne and Alain Lafontaine

