Institutional Folder - FUNBIO

This folder was designed by Funbio's Communication Team as an institutional tool to share the Summary of the Annual Report, present proposals, send important documents, etc.

It avoids dates and information that "ages" quickly, so it can be used for a longer period of time.

It has a specific cut where Funbio's representatives can add their business cards and also a mini-CD with the complete Annual Report. 




Cartilla Modelo de Conservación de Bosques Naturales

This booklet was designed to explain to rural Colombian communities a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) project supported by a USAID sponsored program, MIDAS (Programa Más Inversión para el Desarrollo Sostenible). The booklet illustrates in a fun and simple manner how a PES model was implemented in four indigenous communities, helping conserve forests through the payment of local communities for their service in conserving. 



Contratos Administrativos