Conservation Finance Pavilion

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 Conservation Trust Funds 2020

September 6th

Session Description

The Conservation Finance Alliance with a wide range of partners including the three main CTF networks, and diverse donors produced a 10-year review of Conservation Trust Funds (CTFs) entitled Conservation Trust Funds 2020: Global Vision, Local Action.  Please join us for a presentation from one of the report’s authors followed by a dynamic panel discussion on the insights provided by the report from CTF leaders.


Amílcar Guzmán Valladares - Download

Romain Renoux - Download

Useful Links and Resources

Conservation Trust Funds 2020: Global Vision, Local Action


Amílcar Guzmán Valladares
Partner, Wolfs Company
Link to bio

María José Gonzalez
Executive Director, MAR Fund
Link to bio

Sylvie Goyet
Advisor to the CEO and Vice President of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
Link to bio

Romain Renoux
Executive Director, MedFund
Link to bio

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