Biodiversity Offset Financing
September 4th
Session Description
The rapid pace of infrastructure development, mining, and urban expansion increasingly impacts on the diminishing area of natural habitats and ecosystems. Biodiversity offsets have been shown to be effective in several countries and different forms of “compensation” are found in many countries yet their effectiveness and impact remains uncertain. This session will explore the state of biodiversity offsets in Africa and elsewhere and will present some innovative financing mechanisms to increase their use and effectiveness for supporting meaningful biodiversity conservation.
Speakers and Panelists
Ray Victurine
Director, Conservation Finance - Wildlife Conservation Society
(link to bio)
Aurélien Guingand
Responsable d’équipe projet – Biodiversité – Forêts – Aires protégées - AFD
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Constance Corbier Barthaux
Chargée de projets biodiversité au Secrétariat du FFEM
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Sean Nazerali
Director for Innovative Finance, BIOFUND Mozambique
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Victor Giraldo
Global Director, Project Implementation, Biodiversity, Carbon & Water, at South Pole
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Fabien Quetier
Project Director – Biodiversity and ecosystem services specialist – Biotope
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