Consultancy Opportunity: Sustainable Finance, TNC


The mission of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is to conserve the lands and waters upon which all life depends. As one of the largest global conservation organizations, TNC—working closely with partners—advances scientifically-based, inclusive, and equitable conservation programs in 72 countries. In 2020, TNC, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Pew Charitable Trusts and ZomaLab formed a collaborative partnership entitled “Enduring Earth” (EE), designed to dramatically scale up Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) initiatives. PFPs aim to secure durable, long-term, system-wide protection of the world’s most important natural ecosystems in order to address the biodiversity and climate change crises and promote human well-being.


In early 2020, TNC undertook a rapid internal assessment of the potential for developing a PFP for Mongolia. The assessment concluded that Mongolia met the minimum criteria for developing a PFP. A more comprehensive detailed Feasibility Assessment (FA) for a PFP will be carried out this year, starting in June. The overall goal of the PFP Feasibility Assessment is to determine whether the conditions to successfully develop and implement a PFP initiative for Mongolia are in place or could be enabled in the short-term. The FA will determine whether the PFP approach could effectively address the identified gaps and challenges for conservation areas and community-managed areas in Mongolia and contribute significantly to durable protection of important natural ecosystems to achieve biodiversity, climate change, and human well-being objectives. Within this overall framework, more specifically, the FA will focus on and provide recommendations covering PFP goals, scope, major activities, funding options, stakeholder support, and other key aspects of a PFP.


A set of consultants are being contracted to support this FA, including an international consultant focused on in-country sustainable finance mechanisms (SFMs). The scope of work for this international consultant is outlined in the TOR below.

Application deadline: June 24, 2021