Online Meeting for Relaunch of Protected Areas Finance Working Group

Join us for a the first online meeting of the Working Group on Protected Area Finance on November 5th at 15:00 UTC. Annabelle Bladon will present the work she is doing for the Conservation Finance Guide on protected area entry and activity fees.

The webinar will also include a short presentation from Charles Besancon on short and longer-term priorities of the CFA Working Group on Protected Areas Finance including developing best practice guidelines on PA Finance, a semi-annual global report on PA Finance for the Convention on Biological Diversity and other international bodies and targeted support to national governments on PA finance options and implementation. David Meyers, the Executive Director of CFA will be on hand to discuss overall CFA priorities and some upcoming CFA events.

For further information and to RSVP please visit the PA Finance Working Group page

Best wishes,
    Charles Besancon
Chair, Working Group on Protected Area Finance