Making organic farming more profitable to farmers by reducing transport cost and lowering the price of organic farm inputs

Ngwala Inventions is one among seven finalist of the second cohort selected by Conservation Finance Alliance Incubator’s Technic al Review Committee to receive nine months incubation. Since February 2022, Ngwala Inventions has been receiving mentorship and financial support from Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) Incubator / Wildlife Conservation Society and its partners. Ngwala In ventions is a registered company in Tanzania with the purpose of solving inaccessibility and unaffordability of organic farm inputs. More – over solving chemical exposure problems caused by farm empty pesticide and fertilizer containers replacing them with A utomated Solar Powered Bio - pesticides and Bio - fertilizer Delivery Machines that allows smallholder farmers to access organic farm inputs on time, on farm ,on credit, at lowest cost and on demand. Since the starting of the incubation in February Ngwala Inve ntions has manufactured 5 Automated Bio - pesticides and Bio - fertilizer machines which are installed at 5 strategic farming locations and currently manufacturing bio - pesticides and bio - fertilizer for refilling the machines. Ngwala Inventions has helped thous and farmers in rural communities with the expectation to reach 5000 farmers by the end of 2022.