Nature Trust Alliance

The Nature Trust Alliance: Collaboration and shared services for Conservation Trust Funds

Webinar Info


November 28th, 2019: 10am - 11am EDT (New York City)


CFA hosted a webinar in partnership with the Nature Trust Alliance (NTA) on November 28th, 2018. The session addressed the origin of the Nature Trust Alliance as well as the current structure, challenges, and benefits. Presenters included NTA Director Alba Carreras and Geof Giacomini - Executive Director of Caucases Nature Fund (CNF).

The Nature Trust Alliance (NTA) is a unique collaboration between three conservation trust funds: the Caucasus Nature Fund, Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT) and the newly established Blue Action Fund. The NTA was established in 2016 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and provides operational support services (financial management, investment management, administration, communications, reporting, etc.) to these three funds, so the funds can focus on their core missions of employing innovative and sustainable financing mechanisms for nature conservation.

Pooled models for Conservation Trust Funds have been a long-term topic of discussion – the CFA conducted an analysis of the issue in 2014. The NTA is a unique implementation of a pooling approach and may serve as an example to other CTFs. We enjoyed a rich discussion. For a recording of the session please see below.

*due to technical issues the first seven minutes of the recording are cut off. Please see the powerpoint for further information from the beginning of the session.