Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds

Webinar Series

As a follow-up to the publication of the 2020 edition of the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds, we are pleased to announce a series of monthly webinars exploring the Standards in more depth. Each webinar, to be held on the third Tuesday of the month, will focus on specific content of the 2020 edition (Core Areas and/or Cross-Cutting Themes). The webinars will be hosted by the CFA's Environmental Funds Working Group.



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July 20

August 17
Governance and Institutional Effectiveness 

Sept. (date TBD)
Using the Standards: Accreditation
(during the RedLAC Virtual Assembly)

October 19
Risk Management and Safeguards

November 16
Using the Standards: Starting a CTF

January 18, 2022
Using the Standards: Assessment and Self-Assessment

Previous webinars

Upcoming webinars