WCS Seeks Associate-Level Climate Scientist

The Wildlife Conservation Society is currently seeking an associate-level climate scientist for a full-time position in Bozeman, Montana through the America's Program. The WCS America’s Program, spanning North and South America, works to conserve a strategic set of wildlife and wild places, and to address the crosscutting conservation challenges of ecological connectivity, natural resource extraction, and climate change. The Climate Change Assistant Conservationist hired to work in this program will provide scientific, conservation, and technical support for climate change adaptation projects at several landscapes across North and South America, aimed at applying best-available climate change science to identify or modify conservation and management practices.

If interested in applying, please see the full Terms of Reference and submit necessary materials via WCS's Website. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

BIOFIN Seeking Applicants for Consulting Contract

BIOFIN is looking for applicants for a consulting contract dealing with the preparation of a Biodiversity Finance Plan (BFP) in Georgia. The expert chosen will be responsible for preparation of BFP following the guidance provided by the current version of the BIOFIN Workbook and in close collaboration with the BIOFIN National Team. The work will take place over 6 months and be mostly home-based with two five day business trips to Georgia.

For a full description of the opportunity please visit the UNDP Jobs site. Applicants must submit materials before the 16th of August, 2017.

Environmental Funds Tool Kit Back Online

As CFA continues to move forward we are working on fixing issues with the site, and the Environmental Funds Tool Kit is officially back up and running. This Tool Kit shares the experiences of contributing Environmental Funds – their legal documents, manuals, plans, and communications materials. The goal is to help guide the creation and start-up of new Funds, promote best practices for existing Funds, and increase the efficiency and effectiveness to secure, and expend, reliable funding streams for biodiversity conservation. We hope this will continue to be a helpful tool for you all to utilize in your work.

Within the toolkit there are still a few broken links that are connected to the old site. If you run into any issues with these please feel free to contact our secretariat to get everything sorted out.

The toolkit can be found here or through the affiliated page on the CFA Website.


OXFAM Webinar: Learning from Extractive Industry Negotiations with Indigenous Peoples

OXFAM, Conservation International, and Rainforest Foundation invite you to attend a panel discussion with Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh.

The webinar is titled: Let’s Make a Deal? Learning from Extractive Industry Negotiations with Indigenous Peoples. The webinar will take place at Oxfam America on Tuesday, July 18, from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. (Oxfam America Office, 1101 17th St NW, Suite 1300, Washington, DC 20036.)

Professor O’Faircheallaigh has over two decades of experience working with indigenous peoples on agreement making, and will share key findings from his analysis of 45 negotiations between indigenous peoples and mining companies in Australia and Canada. Discussants will comment on their varied experiences with negotiation processes around extractive industry projects and will consider the potential for drawing on best practice from industrialized countries for application to developing countries.


  • Anne Marie Sam, First Nations Women Advocating Responsible Mining, Canada
  • Vichet Mong, Highlanders Association, Cambodia
  • Prabindra Shakya, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
  • Ximena Warnaars, Ford Foundation, USA (moderator)

You can RSVP here for the Oxfam presentation in-person or livestream. For more information, please contact Kate Stanley at OXFAM. The event will be available via livestream here.

Two More Weeks to Submit Proposals to ILCN

The International Land Conservation Network will be accepting proposals for panels and presentations at their 2018 Global Congress. Proposals can be submitted here and will be accepted until July 21st.

Proposals for presentations or panels within any of these topic areas are welcome:

  • Conservation finance
  • Law and policy
  • Organization and governance
  • Land management, restoration, and stewardship

More information on the proposal process is available here.

The 2018 Global Congress will be held in Santiago, Chile on January 24-26, 2018.
Registration will open this fall. 

For more information on attending, submitting a workshop proposal, or about the Congress in general, please see the website here or contact Emily Myron, Project Manager for the ILCN at emyron@lincolninst.edu or +1 617-503-2212

Project K Seeking Consultant to Conduct Workshop at CAFE Assembly

Project K is looking for a consultant(s) to conduct a workshop on “Program Monitoring & Evaluation in Environmental Funds” in Mauritania at the 7th CAFE Assembly in October 2017.

Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted by email to projectk@funbio.org.br by July 30th 2017, identified as “Project K WS CAFÉ 2017”.

Consultants must comply with all the requirements to be eligible to participate in the selection process. It will be conducted in accordance with their Operational Procedure for Purchasing and Hiring, available on Funbio's website.

The Terms of Reference (Tor) are available here.

Call for Proposals from The Pacific Community

The Pacific Community (SPC) would like to invite interested consultants to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) to carry out tasks as outlined in the terms of reference for the exploring opportunities for land acquisition and land-based rights mechanisms for conservation and climate change resilience in Pacific Islands Countries and Territories. The selected consultants will then be invited to submit a more detailed proposal through a restricted request for proposal process. 

Further information about this opportunity can be found here or downloaded through the SPC site.

BIOFIN Seeking Services of a Consultant on Sustainable Finance

The UNDP-managed Biodiversity Finance Initiative – BIOFIN (www.biodiversityfinance.net) is seeking the services of a Consultant on Sustainable Finance.  BIOFIN works in 30 countries globally and was designed to assess–at national level–the biodiversity enabling context, biodiversity expenditures, biodiversity finance needs, and to establish an engagement process for the adoption and implementation of a Biodiversity Finance Plan.  BIOFIN is working with the CFA to revise and update the CFA Guide for Conservation Finance first developed over 15 years ago. 
With this call, UNDP is seeking the services of a Consultant, with a focus on researching biodiversity and sustainable finance, as well as, to provide support on related knowledge management and advocacy tasks. The consultant will be hosted within the Sustainable Development Cluster team in New York. For additional information on the scope of activities please visit the BIOFIN website (see above) and the Financing Solutions for Sustainable Development Platform (www.undp.org/content/sdfinance).

For further information on the position please see the posting on the UNDP site. Applicants must have all necessary materials submitted by July 17th, 2017.

News from the CTIS

For your consideration from the CTIS project: Conservation Trust Funds and other institutional investors who are thinking about ways to align your portfolios with your mission, especially around climate change issues, may be interested in recent work by Cambridge Associates and the Intentional Endowments Network. Their primary audience was US-based institutional investors, but the concepts are relevant to all institutional investors considering how to incorporate environmental issues into the investment policy. Their suggested framework -- Purpose, Priorities, Principles -- can offer a discussion approach for Investment Committees and a starting point for a CTF's further exploration with its investment professionals.

You can check out the full press release on the Intentional Endowments site here.

Events at Upcoming Ocean Conference

CFA members will be involved in a handful of events throughout the upcoming UN Ocean Conference in NYC from June 5th to the 9th. We have listed a few below. Also, a CFA meetup will be held during the conference where members can get together over coffee to discuss updates and announcements with the CFA ExCo. If you are interested in joining, please reply to this email to let us know.

Blue Finance Events:

Catalyzing Investments in SDG 14: Establishment of a Strategic Ocean Investment Ecosystem6 June, 1500-1630, Venue: Conference Room 6
Participants: Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), The Economist, UNDP, UNEP, GEF, R20 Regions of Climate Action, Blue Finance, Encourage Capital, Althelia Ecosphere and Climate Bonds Initiative.

Transition towards Blue Economy: From governance level to concrete coalition within the private sector, 7 June, 1100-1230, Venue: Conference Room 12
Participants: UNEP, France, Seychelles, AFD, Althelia Ecosphere, FAO.

UNDP Co-Hosted Events:

Financing for the Blue Economy in Small Developing Island States, 5 June, 1100-1230, Venue: Conference Room A, UNHQ

Accelerating SDG Implementation Through Impact Investments with SDG14, 8 June, 1700-1815, Venue: Conference Room B, UNHQ