Events at Upcoming Ocean Conference

CFA members will be involved in a handful of events throughout the upcoming UN Ocean Conference in NYC from June 5th to the 9th. We have listed a few below. Also, a CFA meetup will be held during the conference where members can get together over coffee to discuss updates and announcements with the CFA ExCo. If you are interested in joining, please reply to this email to let us know.

Blue Finance Events:

Catalyzing Investments in SDG 14: Establishment of a Strategic Ocean Investment Ecosystem6 June, 1500-1630, Venue: Conference Room 6
Participants: Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), The Economist, UNDP, UNEP, GEF, R20 Regions of Climate Action, Blue Finance, Encourage Capital, Althelia Ecosphere and Climate Bonds Initiative.

Transition towards Blue Economy: From governance level to concrete coalition within the private sector, 7 June, 1100-1230, Venue: Conference Room 12
Participants: UNEP, France, Seychelles, AFD, Althelia Ecosphere, FAO.

UNDP Co-Hosted Events:

Financing for the Blue Economy in Small Developing Island States, 5 June, 1100-1230, Venue: Conference Room A, UNHQ

Accelerating SDG Implementation Through Impact Investments with SDG14, 8 June, 1700-1815, Venue: Conference Room B, UNHQ