Cordillera Azul National Park

IUCN - Incubator for Nature Conservation (INC) Consultancy/Internship in Conservation Finance - Peru

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is seeking candidates for a paid conservation finance internship with CIMA, a Peruvian NGO (  The finance specialist will work from the CIMA office in Lima, Peru, and help to develop an internal business development, capitalization, and financial management plan, with a specific focus on building long term financial capacity for the management of the Cordillera Azul National Park ( The finance specialist will also visit the CIMA field headquarters near the park, and receive backstopping and technical support provided by a U.S. based specialist working with the IUCN Conservation Finance Incubator (INC) ( The finance specialist will work directly with the CIMA team for a period of six months starting in Feburary 2019, with a fixed stipend of U.S. $12,000 paid for all services provided. A detailed Terms of Reference with requirements and formal application procedures for this work can be obtained by sending a concise note to Applications for this position must be delivered to, with a closing date of January 25, 2019. An ability to read, write, and converse confidently in Spanish will be essential.