Asian Development Bank

ADB opportunity : Scaling Up Private Sector Participation and Use of Market-Based Approaches for Environmental Management - Environmental Economics Expert

Asian Development Bank Seeks Environmental Economics Expert

The full ToR and further information on the position is available here.

TA 9093-REG supports increasing knowledge on the applicability of market-based approaches for environmental management (MBAEM). The TA is supporting an ongoing regional review and stocktaking on the use, applicability, and potential upscaling of MBAEM to address key environmental challenges in the region, including pollution control and prevention, watershed management, and sustainable urban development, among others. In addition to building knowledge and providing recommendations for policy options in Asia, the review will build on ongoing global efforts to document and study the use of innovative policy instruments for environmental management. A team of consultants has produced a draft stocktaking report, which has important content, but could benefit from augmentation and revision. The draft covers market based instruments applied to air pollution, for water management/pollution, and for waste, as well as market based instrument concepts and policy recommendations for improvements. An international consultant with expertise in environmental economics will be engaged to provide substantive technical and editorial inputs to the stocktaking report and fill gaps in content. The consultant will work with an international team of experts, who are providing technical inputs on global and regional experiences and applications of MBAEM. The consultant will also work with a data and information specialist, who will support preparation of an inventory of selected national programs and policies applying MBAEM, which will serve as inputs to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Policy Instruments for the Environment (PINE) database.