Job Opportunity: Senior Officer, Conservation and Financial Planning, Global Project Finance for Permanence Initiative


The senior officer - Conservation and Financial Planning will report to the project lead for the Global Finance for Permanence Initiative, with strong dotted-line reporting to the vice president, finance and treasurer, and will be a founding member of this new effort at Pew. The position is located in Washington, DC, and will work closely with the project lead and the Pew finance team to develop conservation plans and financial models that will be foundational to the project. Pew’s board of directors has preliminarily approved the project, which is contingent upon final board approval in the spring of 2021.


  • Work with partners to design and build agreement on project scope (geographic and thematic) for individual PFPs.

  • Work extensively with a range of local and national partners and stakeholders to assess conservation status and prospects, identify critical threats and opportunities, and conduct stakeholder analysis for individual PFPs.

  • Lead consultative processes with partners in developing an extensive conservation plan that includes goals, strategies, activities, and assumptions, as well as monitoring, evaluation, and learning plans.

  • Design and conduct related studies; organize workshops to generate relevant information for the project.

  • Refine conservation program goals, objectives and activities as needed.

  • Travel extensively to project sites and facilitate multi-stakeholder consultation workshops to develop detailed conservation and financial plans.

  • Work extensively with a range of stakeholders to collect, clarify and analyze financial and other data relevant to conservation programs.

  • In close consultation and with guidance from the vice president, finance, and treasurer, develop detailed long-term financial models including: projections of costs; mapping of costs to funding sources and timing; trust funds and related investment returns; .

  • Coordinate with the finance department to ensure financial models include analyses of pertinent risks, such foreign currency risk, sovereign risk, and market risk. Financial models will be designed to analyze funding sensitivities to the various types of risk.

  • Guide development, in collaboration with the vice president, finance, and treasurer, of approaches and tools to estimate long-term financial needs for achieving goals, assess existing funding, and calculate financial gaps.

  • Engage frequently with internal stakeholders, including the finance and legal departments, to ensure up-to-date information is shared regarding PFP deals, terms, and financing.

  • Communicate conservation and financial analysis scope, approach, assumptions, and results in meetings, presentations and reports for various audiences; based on analysis, make recommendations on the design and implementation of financial mechanisms.

  • Train counterparts at project sites to prepare/manage financial modeling and related processes.