Global Fishing Index

Global Fishing Index
Minderoo Foundation

The Global Fishing Index (GFI) is the world’s first independent assessment of the health of fish stocks and fisheries governance in over 140 nations.

The study involved more than 500 fisheries experts globally and shows that half of the world’s 1400 assessed fish stocks are now overfished – rather than just over a third, as previously understood. A tenth of fish stocks globally are now on the brink of collapse, reduced to just 10 per cent of their original size.

Minderoo Foundation Chairman Dr Andrew Forrest AO said the report found no country, not even the best, is doing anywhere near enough to protect the ocean from overfishing and restore its health to a flourishing state. “Our Global Fishing Index is a wake-up call to governments and businesses around the world. It is a message to say that we know what is happening, we know what you are doing, and we are here to help fix the problem. My message to all 142 of the countries, both developed and developing, is clear. It is time to take accountability for the health of your fisheries, the size of your fishing fleets and the level of access provided to foreign fleets to fish your waters. Every single country in this index needs stronger fisheries management, better laws and policies, better enforcement, better data collection, more science-based decisions.”