COVID19 and the Conservation Finance Community : Public-Private Partnerships


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This is the third webinar in our Coronavirus and Conservation Finance webinar series. In this webinar we will dive into the benefits of Public Private Partne...

The next Coronavirus and the Conservation Finance Community online discussion will dive into the benefits of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a robust conservation finance mechanism in the time of Coronavirus. Join us as our panelists discuss the resiliency of Public-Private Partnerships in times of economic and social unrest. The call will involve presentations from the panelists (~30 mins) and then a Q&A session for the remainder of the hour.

The panelists for the discussion are as follows:


Executive Director of the Bahamas National Trust (BNT)


Deputy Director of the Chumbe Island Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Zanzibar, Tanzania; and Founder and Director of Sustainable Solutions International Consulting.


Director of Blue finance


Some of the themes and questions that our panelists discussed include: 

  • The pros and cons of institutional arrangements for the management structure of PPP's

  • How COVID19 has impacted operations 

  • What are plans to build resilience into PPP related financing mechanisms in the future. 



The CFA has recently introduced a new series of online discussions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on conservation finance, titled “Coronavirus and the Conservation Finance Community”.

To date, two online discussions have been held. The first discussion focused generally on CTF’s, with representatives from CAFÉ and RedLAC discussing how the pandemic was impacting operations, finance flows, and what the future could look like. The second discussion identified specific conservation finance tools that are viewed as most robust in the face of the crisis. A detailed recap of the two online discussions can be found here.

Following the taxonomy of conservation finance mechanisms outlined in the CFA white paper “Conservation Finance: A Framework”, three tools were identified: Public-Private Partnerships, Blended Finance, and Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development.

The CFA would like to continue the discussion by holding three additional online calls, focusing on each of the finance mechanisms in turn.