World Bank Group review of Nature-based tourism tools and resources Open until Tuesday 30 April 2019

The World Bank is committed to tackling the world’s toughest development challenges – especially poverty and inequality. All of our resources – our global development knowledge, investment capital, financial expertise and country presence – are devoted to making the world a more just and prosperous place. Tourism can play an integral role in helping us fulfill this mission.  In many developing countries, tourism promotes inclusive economic growth, creating jobs and attracting foreign investors.
Nature-based tourism is a growing sector and the World Bank is interested to understand what tools and resources are already available to support developing countries plan for and implement sustainable nature-based tourism offerings.

The Nature-Based Tourism (NBT) Community of Practice (CoP), part of the Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, has commissioned a review of relevant tools and resources to help WB staff and clients enhance preparation and implementation of projects that have a NBT component.

We would like to invite to you to contribute to this process, through a short survey, to help ensure that all applicable tools and resources are captured. 

The survey should take just 5-10 minutes to complete, and it will be open until 30 April 2019.

To access the survey, click here, or paste this link into your web browser

Please circulate this invitation to others in your networks that may be interested.

Photo taken from survey site.