
Marine 30x30 Finance: a systems-led approach and principles for countries

A diverse, global group of partners are collaborating to empower national governments to develop financial plans that support the implementation of marine 30x30 targets. This Principles Paper is the first step in this initiative. It articulates a new systems-led approach, high-level principles, recommendations and key performance indicators intended to support countries in achieving and measuring their progress towards financing marine 30x30.

The paper is aimed at government ministries and civil society partners, such as biodiversity finance practitioners. At a later date, a complementary Practitioner Guide will be produced to accompany this paper. It will detail the step-by-step actions countries need to take to implement the principles and recommendations in a manner that is consistent with their context and ongoing obligations, such as Sustainable Ocean Plans or national biodiversity finance plans. The end goal is for countries to achieve sufficient and durable finance for ongoing ocean management and Sustainable Ocean Economies, leading to resilient and healthy ocean ecosystems.

Author(s): Minderoo Foundation

Investing in Nature: Financing Conservation and Nature Based Solution - A Practical Guide for Europe

Many developers of conservation and nature-based solutions projects have a very clear view on what they aim to achieve in terms of impact. They demonstrate enormous experience and expertise in implementing conservation measures. However, the expertise and know-how on setting up a financially viable project is much less developed. It is recognized by many working in #conservation finance @NatureVest @IUCN @CIPIC that this gap in financial expertise and project development know-how constitutes a major hurdle for more conservation and nature-based solution projects being developed and being able to attract financial investors. 

To support conservation entrepreneurs and all those who aim at developing bankable conservation projects, NCFF has just published the guide “Investing in Nature: Financing Conservation and nature based solutions - A practical guide for Europe” – this is a cooperation project between the EIB’s Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF), LIFEprogramme and Systemiq LIFEprogramme. The guide provides an introduction to financing, pros and cons of different financing structures, an overview of legal structures, practical case studies and first steps on how to access NCFF and other financing sources. They hope that this practical guide will contribute to closing the knowledge gap and to the development of more bankable #conservation and #nature-based solutions projects being developed over time.

Author(s): NCFF

The Political Economy of Biodiversity Policy Reform

This report provides insights on the political economy of biodiversity related policy reforms. It draws on existing literature and four new case studies covering the French tax on pesticides, agricultural subsidy reform in Switzerland, EU payments to Mauritania and Guinea-Bissau to finance marine protected areas via conservation trust funds, and individually transferable quotas for fisheries in Iceland. Each case study focusses on the drivers of reform, the types of obstacles encountered, key features of the policy reform, and the lessons learned from the reform experience.

Author(s): OECD
Published: April 2017

African Ecological Futures: 2015

This report is based on this premise that African ecological futures can be fundamentally altered by economic and development decisions made today. In order to better understand what these futures might be and how to manage their impacts, the report investigates key forces shaping Africa's today and tomorrow and draws a picture of how they come together across plausible scenarios to influence ecological futures. The report explores guiding principles for decisions and particular interventions by decision makers that may create the opportunity for more robust and resilient development.

Author(s): African Development Bank (AfDB) & WWF
Tuesday, May 26 2015

Biodiversity and Development Co-operation

This paper considers how development co-operation is addressing the twin objectives of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use on the one hand, and development and poverty reduction on the other. The paper showcases examples of how development co-operation is supporting conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. It also identifies areas where more research is needed, such as sharing experience with the tools and good practices available for successful mainstreaming, and developing indicators to improve monitoring and evaluation to boost understanding of the effectiveness of biodiversity-related development interventions and of the relative performance of different mainstreaming approaches.

Author(s): Anna Drutschinin, Juan Casado-Asensio, Jan Corfee-Morlot, Dilys Roe
Friday, May 1st 2015

Public Incentives Harmful to Biodiversity

The impact of public subsidies on the environment has been drawing increasing attention over the last few decades, in particular within the OECD and the EU. In France, the Loi Grenelle I (Environmental Act of August 2009) explicitly provides that "the State, on the basis of on an audit, will review tax measures that are harmful to biodiversity and will propose new tools to allow a gradual transition towards a tax regime that will be more adapted to new environmental challenges. The report presents an identification of a number of subsidies, an assessment of those that are harmful to biodiversity and analysis of those measures in need of reform. It reaches pragmatic recommendations which, if applied, would reduce harm to biodiversity.

Author(s): Guillaume Sainteny (Centre d'Analyse Strategique - Republique Francaise)
Tuesday, Mar 31 2015

Shortfalls and Solutions for Meeting National and Global Conservation Area Targets

Governments have committed to conserving 17% of terrestrial and 10% of marine environments globally, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity through ecologically representative Protected Area (PA) systems or other area-based conservation measures, while individual countries have committed to conserve 3.50% of their land area. The study estimates that PAs currently cover 14.6% of terrestrial and 2.8% of marine extent, but the majority of PAs have inadequate coverage. it would require nearly doubling to achieve, costefficiently, coverage targets for all countries, ecoregions, important sites, and species. Greater focus is therefore needed on alternative approaches, including community- and privately managed sites and other effective area-based conservation measures.

Author(s): S.H.M. Butchart et al.
Monday, Mar 2 2015

Expanding Horizons: Highlights from the National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation

The report summarizes the National Workshop on Large Landscape Conservation - the first major conference on large landscape conservation in North America. It stresses a multi-disciplinary, networked approach to finding solutions that benefit human, wildlife, cultural and ecological health.

Author(s): Practitioners Network for Large Landscape Conservation, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, National Park Service Stewardship Institute et al.
Monday, Feb 16 2015

Cross-boundary collaboration: key to the conservation puzzle

Author(s): Sali Kark, Ayesha Tullock, Ascelin Gordon, Tessa Mazor, Nils Bunnefeld, and Noam Levin
Monday, Aug 11th 2014

Linking Conservation, Equity and Poverty Alleviation

This research sought to understand who continues to use Bwindi's resources illegally and why, despite ICD. They found that local feelings of injustice over national park conservation were as important a driver as rural poverty, and the more involved in decision-making people felt, the more benefit from an ICD intervention they reported. Their findings support current developments at the international level that focus on equitable management of protected areas not only as a moral obligation, but also as a necessity if conservation efforts are to be effective and sustainable.

Author(s): Medard Twinamatsiko, Julia Baker, Mariel Harrison et al.
Friday, Aug 1st 2014

Partnership in Practice: Engagement with Indigenous Peoples

Author(s): Laura Ledwith and Yoko Watanabe
May 2014

Green Growth Best Practice: Synthesis of key findings

This analysis adresses international assessment of lessons from experience of pursuing green growth, across all levels of government and all regions, concerning GGBP's work. It examined the design choices faced by practitioners in establishing plans and programs, and the lessons learned. It was carried out by 9 teams of expert authors from around the world (75 in all) who each focused on one of the topics, and between them looked at 60 specific government programs, as well as reviewing general lessons from the literature.

Author(s): Global Green Growth Best Practice Initiative
Tuesday, Mar 4 2014

RSPB Centre for Conservation Science Report

This report celebrates the launching of the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science. Some of the institution's most influential scientific work from the last decade are addressed. The new initiative, launched in February 2014, will showcase, promote and build the RSPB's scientific programme, helping to discover solutions to 21st century conservation problems.

Author(s): RSPB
Wednesday, Feb 26 2014

Enforcing environmental laws for strong economies and safe communities

This report discusses how the World Bank Group (WBG) will mobilize to work better on ENRLE. Recognizing the evolving global context, a new and fully mobilized Community of Practice will put more emphasis on building a constituency within the WBG to work on the range of ENRLE issues, on building the capacity of WBG staff to provide investment and technical assistance on ENRLE, on strengthening analytical work to develop a pipeline of ENRLE investments, and on fostering demand among clients for Bank investment in ENRLE.

Author(s): World Bank
Saturday, Feb 1st 2014

 The Status and Distribution of Freshwater biodiversity in the Eastern Mediterranean

Author(s): Kevin G. Smith, Violeta Barrios, William R.T. Darwall, and Catherine Numa  

Pan-African Youth Strategy on Learning for Sustainability

This report is a result of consultative meetings across Africa, culminating in a Pan-African Youth Conference on Learning for Sustainability held in Nairobi, Kenya during January 30 - 31, 2013. Over 100 youth from 35 countries, in all regions of Africa, actively participated and helped shape and develop this strategy to promote sustainable development and green economies in Africa.

Author(s): WWF and Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA)
Friday, Oct 25 2013

Indispensable Ocean: Aligning ocean health and human well being

This report suggests guidelines and procedures the authors believe will bring about indigenously developed solutions that lead to economic and socio-ecological sustainability.

Author(s): Blue Ribbon Panel and Global Partnership for Oceans
Sunday, Oct 20 2013

Scoping a green economy: a brief guide to dialogues and diagnostics for developing countries

This guide aims to encourage early dialogue and diagnosis in and by developing countries on what a green economy would mean for their country.

Author(s): International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Monday, Sep 30 2013

USAID's Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry Programs, 2013 Report

This report describes the range and magnitude of USAID investment in these areas in fiscal year (FY) 2012, through highlights of results and in-depth project profiles.

Author(s): USAID
Monday, Sep 30 2013

Wildlife comeback in Europe:The recovery of selected mammal and bird species

The report describes how, why and where 37 mammal and bird species have recovered over the past 50 years, providing important lessons for the conservation of these and other species.

Author(s): Stefanie Deinet, Christina Ieronymidou, Louise McRae, Ian J. Burfield, Ruud P. Foppen, Ben Collen and Monika Böhm
Thursday, Sep 26 2013

Monitoring payments for watershed services schemes in developing countries

This paper discusses the monitoring and evaluation criteria behind transactional monitoring and effectiveness conditionality.

Author(s): Ina Porras, Bruce Aylward and Jeff Dengel
Friday, May 24 2013

FPIC and the extractive industries: a guide to applying the spirit of free, prior and informed consent in industrial projects

This paper seeks to articulate the relevance of FPIC to company policy and practice, while also providing a balanced consideration of the relative responsibilities of government and civil society.

Author(s): Abbi Buxton and Emma Wilson
Friday, Mar 15 2013

Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook

Author(s): Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP)
June 29, 2012

Global Biodiversity Conservation and the Alleviation of Poverty

Author(s): Will R. Turner, Katrina Brandon, Thomas M. Brooks, Claude Gascon, Holly K. Gibbs, Keith S. Lawrence, Russell A. Mittermeier, and Elizabeth R. Selig
January 2012

Project Finance for Permanence: Lessons from landscape-scale conservation deals

This report covers lessons from PFP’s use as it has evolved through three deals: the Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) in Brazil, the Great Bear Rainforest (Great Bear) in British Columbia, and Forever Costa Rica (FCR). It is based on documentation of the deals and roughly 50 interviews with deal participants, senior leaders, and other experts in the field of conservation, as well as Redstone’s own experience. More detail on the report’s methodology, the list of interviewees, and related items of interest can be found in the appendices. Separately, a PFP Assessments report further details the three examples. 

Author(s): Redstone Strategy Group, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Linden Trust for Conservation
July 13 2011

Socioeconomic Conditions Along the World's Tropical Coasts: 2008

This report synthesizes data from individual socioeconomic assessments to quantify and qualify regional and global dependence on coral reef resources, perceptions of resource conditions, threats to marine and coastal resources, and support for marine management strategies such as marine protected areas. Data are included from 49 studies, representing close to 14,000 household surveys conducted in hundreds of communities in 27 countries. This information provides evidence of the need to conserve global coral reef resources to ensure food security and contribute to poverty alleviation. 

Author(s): Christy Loper, Robert Pomeroy, Vineeta Hoon, Patrick McConney, Maria Pena, Arie Sanders, Gaya Sriskanthan, Sheila Vergara, Michael Pido, Ron Vave, Caroline Vieux, Innocent Wanyonyi

Project Finance for Permanence: Assessments of three landscape-scale conservation deals: ARPA, Great Bear, and Forever Costa Rica

Author(s): Redstone Strategy Group, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Linden Trust for Conservation
July 13 2011

Centers for Biodiversity Conservation

A publication by Conservation International on bringing together science, partnerships, and human well-being to scale up conservation outcomes. 

Author(s): Peter Seligmann, Russell A. Mittermeier, Gustavo A. B. Da Fonseca, Claude Gascon, Niels Crone, Jose Maria Cardoso Da Silva, Lisa Famolare, Robert Bensted-smith, Leon Rajaobelina, Bruce Beehler