Results of Protected Areas Finance Capacity Needs Assessment

The CFA Protected Areas Working Group presented some of the preliminary results from the Protected Areas Finance Capacity Needs Assessment that was launched this past March and was open for 5 months. The results of this survey are meant to inform the wider conservation community and for the CFA Protected Areas Working Group to prioritize its work over the coming years. Your input to this process is critical as we discuss the implications of the results and how best to communicate them through reports, journal articles, etc. the presenters are Charles Besancon, the Chair of the CFA PA Finance Working Group of CFA and Tyler Marcus, Green Business Strategist.

A recording of this session is available on our Youtube Channel.

What We're Reading: "Conservation Finance - Can banks embrace natural capital?"

From Euromoney:

Climate is no longer the only risk in town: thanks to a loud call from the scientific community, nature has finally been given a seat at the table with finance ministers, regulators and central bank governors.

Degradation of natural capital through human activity has brought us to a tipping point. The risks are multiple and varied, from precipitous declines in economic growth to the uncertain future of our species. All sectors of society are being called on to go ‘beyond carbon’ and reduce their negative impact on the natural environment, finding solutions that regenerate natural resources. How can financial institutions best be of service? By examining their balance-sheet exposure to nature-related risks and by channelling finance to businesses and projects that are restoring natural resources. They have the full support of the scientific community.

Full article:

From CFN: "Conservation Finance - Seychelle's Troubled Waters"

“The Seychelles was the first country to issue a debt-for-nature swap to protect its marine environment; it was also the first to issue a blue bond, raising capital to finance sustainable marine and ocean-related projects. But can it overcome the teething problems and provide a model other island nations can follow?”

View the entire article from Euromoney here.


Online Meeting - Results from the Protected Areas Finance Capacity Needs Assessment

Join the CFA Protected Areas Working Group for an online meeting on Tuesday Dec.17 at 10 AM EST (3 PM UTC) as we present some of the preliminary results from the Protected Areas Finance Capacity Needs Assessment that was launched this past March and was open for 5 months. The results of this survey are meant to inform the wider conservation community and for the CFA Protected Areas Working Group to prioritize its work over the coming years. Your input to this process is critical as we discuss the implications of the results and how best to communicate them through reports, journal articles, etc. the presenters are Charles Besancon, the Chair of the CFA PA Finance Working Group of CFA and Tyler Marcus, Green Business Strategist.

Upcoming CFA Webinar: Results of 2018 CTIS

Date: December 12th

Time: 12pm and 9pm EST

Katy Mathias, co-author of the Conservation Trust Investment Survey (CTIS) will share findings from the annual CTIS study for calendar year 2018. In addition, Katy will share some preliminary information from the forthcoming multi-year study of CTF investment data, drawing on the CTIS project's 13 years of data. The webinar will be held twice to accommodate as many time zones as possible.

WWF Seeking CTF Consultant

World Wildlife Fund is seeking a consultant with experience designing conservation trust funds to analyze the feasibility of creating a Conservation Trust Fund for Tribal Wildlife Conservation in the Northern Great Plains. The consultant will assess existing legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks, identify levels of interest and potential roles of government partners, analyze fundraising potential, and develop recommendations for designing (or addressing enabling conditions for) a conservation trust fund.

The full Terms of Reference is available here or upon request by emailing Libby Khumalo at

To apply, please send a cover letter detailing the consultant’s previous experience with analyzing conservation trust fund feasibility, as well as a resume, by December 4, 2019 to

Photo from

Kinship Conservation Fellows is now accepting applications for the 2020 Fellowship

Kinship Conservation Fellows is now accepting applications for the 2020 Fellowship. 

The program is looking for conservation leaders with at least five years of experience who are interested in the application of market-based solutions to solve environmental problems. 

 Please spread the word about this great opportunity to become part of an expanding global community of innovative conservationists!

Read more about the requirements and how to apply.

Why become a Fellow?

The Kinship Fellows Community is now 282 members strong. If you're wondering what it means to be a part of this vast global network, read about the personal experiences of our Fellows.

About the Fellowship

The 2020 Fellowship takes place from June 28 through July 29, 2020 in Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A. Over the course of the month, Fellows attend interactive sessions, participate in collaborative and independent projects, and attend field trips. Fellows are awarded a $6,000 stipend to defray travel and living expenses, and are provided housing during the program.

Upcoming CFA Webinar: Project Finance for Permanence in Peru

Date: November 12th 2019

Time: 12pm EST

RSVP is kindly requested of all participants.

About 60% of Peruvian territory is covered by the Amazon rainforest, more than in any other country. With increasing pressures of deforestation, wildfires and land use change affecting the 38 protected areas in the Amazon region, the Peruvian government and conservation donors recognized the need for bold action to ensure the conservation of this important ecosystem. Partnering with the World Wildlife Fund, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Andes Amazon Fund, the Peruvian government applied and adapted the Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) approach to ensure sustainable financing and permanent conservation of 16.7 million hectares of the Peruvian Amazon. The PFP approach built institutional capacity and leveraged the power of a single closing agreement to secure commitments for US$ 140 million from private and public sources for a shared conservation goal. Join Carolin Planitzer from WWF and Cindy Vergel from the Protected Areas National Service - SERNANP to discuss the lessons learned from developing this large-scale initiative.

Further information as well as a link to register are available here.

Madagascar Biodiversity Fund Seeking Conservation Finance Consultant

The Foundation of Protected Areas in Madagascar is looking for an experienced consultant in the field of conservation finance to undertake a study of bilateral and multilateral public financing options. Currently capitalised at $72m, the foundation through its board and executive branch, is calling for this consultancy to assist in their resource mobilisation efforts. Please find attached the TORs in French, which is the main language to use for the assignment.

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