UNDP Green Commodities Programme Career Opportunity

UNDPs Green Commodities Programme (GCP) has opened a call for experts to apply to join their roster of experts for the potential to support projects in our growing portfolio of commodity projects.  Highly qualified candidates are encouraged to apply and all members are welcome to share this announcements with their colleagues.

The link to apply for the Green Commodities Programme Expert Roster (called the Establishment of a Pre-Approved Roster on Sustainable Agricultural Commodities) is available here.

Closing date for applications is May 7th  2018.

Request for Proposals: Roster of Pre-Qualified vendors for the Provision of Technical Support Services to Carry out Targeted Scenario Analyses for UNDP


The objective of the Request For Proposals is to establish a Roster of Pre-Qualified vendors for the provision of technical support and advisory services related to carrying out the Targeted Scenario Analyses (TSA). TSA is an innovative analytical approach, developed by UNDP, that captures and presents the value of ecosystem services in a way that is more relevant to the choices facing a public or private decision maker. You can find full details of the TSA approach in the English version of the guide that can be downloaded here

These Service Providers will need to be able to assemble a team of specialists with appropriate skill sets and experiences to assist UNDP in carrying out the TSA’s in a range of countries around the world, on an ‘as-needed’ basis. Further information, including how to apply, is available here. Application deadline is April 27th, 2018.

BIOFIN Webinar - Privately Protected Areas: A finance solution for private sector engagement in conservation

This April 23rd, at 9:00am EST, BIOFIN will host a webinar discussing Privately Protected Areas as a solution for private sector engagement in conservation. Through attendance in this webinar, participants will be able to understand what a PPA is, how it leverages private sector investment into biodiversity conservation, in which contexts it can be implemented, and how to build a successful model of PPA.

A full description of the webinar is available here, and for registration please click the button below.

Economic Tools for Conservation Course in Berkeley, CA

Recruitment for Conservation Strategy Fund’s annual International Economic Tools for Conservation course is in full swing. This year's course will be held July 2-13, 2018 at the University of California Berkeley.

The course announcement and application form can be found on Conservation Strategy Fund's website. 

You can find the course brochure here. Please contact our secretariat if you have any questions and we will pass them along to CSF.

M2PA and David Meyers Participate in Monaco Ocean Week


The Association for the Sustainable Financing of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas – or M2PA for short – held a series of related events on Friday April 13th at Monaco Ocean Week with the participation of the CFA’s new Executive Director, David Meyers.  The main goal of the M2PA association is to establish a Conservation Trust Fund to provide targeted financing for Mediterranean protected areas with an initial focus on projects in Morocco, Tunisia and Albania. The Mediterranean has over 1000 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) but is in need of increased investment in the creation of new MPAs and in improved management and sustainable financing for many existing reserves.  It is hoped that the M2PA will succeed in becoming a strong advocate, source of financing, and fountain of knowledge for these important MPAs. 


The first conference event was a series of panels and presentations on Conservation Trust Funds with an initial talk and session moderation by the CFA.  Conservation Trust Fund experiences and best practices were shared by a range of CTFs and partners including BaCoMAB, PONT, MarFund, and RedLAC.  Other partner organizations presenting included CI’s Global Conservation Fund, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), Agence Français de Développement (AFD), MAVA, MedPAN, and others.  The session was followed by the signing of the FFEM grant agreement with the Prince Albert II Foundation for the M2PA project.  The afternoon session was the launch of the GEF financed part of the project (with support of CI-GEF) and was followed by an evening session where 12 museums and aquariums showed their engagement in the project.  The Monaco Oceanographic Institute pledged a percentage of their entrance fees for the aquarium to the M2PA.

More information on the workshops is available here.

David Meyers to Become CFA Executive Director

The Executive Committee of the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) is pleased to announce that David Meyers will become the Executive Director of the CFA, effective April 13, 2018.
David comes to the CFA from the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) at UNDP, where he served as a senior technical advisor for the BIOFIN process in 14 countries and lead on the global BIOFIN methodology.
“David’s first-hand experience in the practice of conservation finance, combined with his professional relationships with so many CFA members and his own experience as a long-term CFA member, make him an ideal leader for the next phase of the CFA,” said Sylvie Goyet of the Executive Committee.
In prior roles, David has been consultant on various conservation finance, ecology, economic and environmental projects and initiatives, an entrepreneur in environmental ventures, and a lecturer at both Yale and Columbia Universities. David earned his Bachelors and Doctorate degrees from Duke University and his MBA from the Yale School of Management.
“I have greatly benefitted from the resources and network of the CFA since the early 2000’s and am honored to have the opportunity to lead the organization in this exciting phase,” said Dr. Meyers.
Currently based on the East Coast of the United States, David has lived for extended periods in both Europe and Madagascar.
David will step into the Executive Director role on April 13. Through September 30, 2018, he will be working half-time while wrapping up existing commitments to UNDP-BIOFIN; starting October 1 he will be leading the CFA full-time. During the transition period, Katy Mathias will continue to support the CFA Secretariat to ensure continuity in CFA projects and administration.

Blue Finance - New PPP Signed in the Dominican Republic

An innovative Public Private Partnership (PPP) agreement for marine conservation was signed on February 23rd 2018 in the Dominican Republic. The agreement, facilitated by Blue finance, defines the co-management of 8000km2 of the Marine Sanctuary “Arrecifes del Sureste" between the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and a non-profit consortium/co-management body; comprised of local and international NGOs, private sector organisations, and the NGO Blue finance, among others.

See the full press release here.

*Text provided by Blue Finance

Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Fund Network Launched

Representatives from six Conservation Trust Funds in the Asia-Pacific region met in Jakarta, Indonesia in early December 2017 to form the Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Fund Network, to be known as “APNET.”
The new network, modeled on RedLAC and CAFÉ, will serve as a collaborative and knowledge-sharing platform for CTFs in the Asia-Pacific region, and will help to facilitate linkages with CTFs in other parts of the world.
Six founding members came together over three days in Jakarta, ably hosted by Yayasan KEHATI, to formally create the network, ratify the governing principles, elect the first Executive Committee, and select the Host Institution to house the Secretariat.
APNET’s founding members are Arannayk Foundation of Bangladesh, represented by Farid Uddin Ahmed and Dr Muhammed Quddus; Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation, represented by Dr. Pema Choephyel and Singye Dorji; Forest Foundation Philippines, represented by Jose Andres Canivel; Foundation for the Philippine Environment represented by Oliver Agoncillo; Micronesia Conservation Trust represented by Lisa Ranahan Andon; and Yayasan KEHATI of Indonesia represented by M.S. Sembiring, Indra Gunawan and Fardila Astari.  The Phoenix Islands Protected Area Trust and Tasmanian Land Conservancy are also founding members but were unable to attend the meeting in person.
Farid Uddin Ahmed, Lisa Ranahan Andon, Pema Choephyel, Jane Hutchinson, and M.S. Sembiring were elected to the Executive Committee.
Yayasan KEHATI was selected as the first Host Institution of the network, and will serve as the base for the Secretariat.
APNET plans to hold its first Assembly in March, 2019.
Other meeting attendees included Nety Riana and Mozaika Hendarti of Yayasan KEHATI, Robert Baigrie of Conservation International, Katy Mathias of Wildlife Conservation Society, and Roman Czebiniak of EcoNusantara.
Funding for the meeting and the initial formation of APNET was provided by Conservation International, Fonds Français for l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM) and the MAVA Foundation.

WCS Announcing 2018 Request for Proposals through Climate Adaptation Fund

The Wildlife Conservation Society has announced the next round of grant-making through the Climate Adaptation Fund.  Learn more about this year's Request for Proposals here, and check out the informational video included below.

Interested organizations should carefully review the guidelines outlined in the Request for Proposals posted HERE on their new website.

Pre-proposal applications are due by Friday, April 7th 2018, by 5:00 PM EST. To apply, create an account for your organization or log in to a previously created account and submit your application in their online system.