Jobs and Consultancies

Job Opportunity: Project Development Manager

The Project Development Manager is a highly valuable and strategic leader in our organization who assumes responsibility for leading the Forest Resilience Bond development team to achieve our visions for scale. As the key and sole financial product of Blue Forest, the success of the Forest Resilience Bond is key to the success of the entire organization.

The primary goals of the Project Development Manager at Blue Forest are to (1) manage the development process of individual forest resilience bond projects from conception to execution, (2) coordinate a diverse mix of partner organizations, governmental entities, tribes, utilities, non profits, and research partners, (3) develop standardized approaches and strategies to support the project development process, (4) support and coordinate other team members in the project development process, and (5) advise the Executive Team regarding strategies to expand the Forest Resilience Bond.

Short-Term Consultancy Opportunity: Feasibility assessment of blue carbon to inform WCS’s approach in the Southeast Asian Archipelago - SEAA - region

WCS seeks a consultant to conduct a feasibility assessment of the potential for blue carbon as an additional incentive to protect coastal ecosystems in SEAA and as a source of revenue to support sustainable financing of marine and coastal management.

Job Opportunity: TNC is looking for a Global Director of Durable Protection

This is an exciting decade to be a part of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) as we rapidly expand the representative, effective, and durable protection of biodiversity and living carbon reserves, through unprecedented collaborations and powerful, permanent deal structures. These innovative deal structures include private transactions of lands and waters and resource rights, debt conversion initiatives, and Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) approaches, all with the goal of durable and lasting protection for nature while providing community development benefits for people. Working in partnership with global to local governments, indigenous partners and local communities, and other NGOs, the Global Director, Durable Protection Strategies will continue to innovate and scale-up these protection approaches. They will lead multi-stakeholder participatory conservation and financial planning, establish long-term sustainable financing, and secure approval and buy-in by all stakeholders to ensure that terrestrial, freshwater and marine conservation can endure in perpetuity. Building on TNC’s legacy of establishing the first two PFPs globally (Great Bear Rainforest and Forever Costa Rica), the Director will grow and oversee a program focused on advancing PFP and other innovative finance opportunities within TNC’s priority areas and galvanizing TNCs technical, political, and philanthropic resources in support of the initiatives. They will also play a leadership role in a new, large-scale, multi-NGO Partnership to accelerate the pace and implementation of PFPs and will ensure TNC’s effective participation in that collaboration. The Director will report to the Global Managing Director, Protect Oceans, Lands and Waters and as an inspirational leader and skilled supervisor, will build and support a team to advance our Durable Protection work. They build relationships and work across The Nature Conservancy to advance these deals from concept to closing and implementation. The location for this position is negotiable within countries where TNC is an already established entity (existing TNC office).

Job Opportunity: CBF is seeking a Program Officer for its EbA Facility

The CBF seeks a Program Officer with a proven record of success in addressing climate change adaptation and conservation challenges. The Officer will provide the program support required to effectively implement the strategic agenda of the EbA Facility, and will work closely with, and report to, the EbA Facility Program Manager.

Job Opportunity: WWF is seeking a consultant with experience in designing CTF

World Wildlife Fund is seeking a consultant with experience in designing Conservation Trust Funds that include grant-based and concessionary investment programs to design a fund that will accelerate the uptake of sustainable natural rubber in the global marketplace. The consultant will assess levels of interest and potential roles of stakeholders, analyze fundraising potential from a range of donors, and explore options for finance instruments including blended finance and standard grants.  The analysis will be presented in a comprehensive document that provides clear (turn-key) instructions for a 3rd party to establish the Rubber Trust Fund (RTF). Deadline for application is January 22, 2021.

To apply, please send a cover letter detailing the consultant’s relevant previous experience, proposed approach to the assignment, and CV to and by January 22, 2021. Applications from teams will be considered but we will preference applications from consultants working alone.

Download the Terms of Reference below

Job Opportunity: Senior Program Officer GEF Project Agency - 21016 (WWF)

World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the world’s leading conservation organizations, seeks a Senior Program Officer (SPO) for the WWF GEF Project Agency. The SPO oversees/leads project development and implementation as a member of the WWF GEF Agency and engages WWF offices, governments and partners around Global Environmental Facility (GEF) opportunities.


This position: (i) coordinates with and guides project development teams developing WWF GEF concepts and projects, to ensure quality and compliance with WWF and GEF policy, (ii) plays an oversight and project compliance role for WWF GEF projects in implementation, and (iii) contributes to WWF GEF Agency strategy and operational efficiency.


  • Project Scoping and Development: Oversee and guide planning, process, and development of WWF GEF projects and programs through GEF project cycle in coordination with WWF offices, governments, GEF Secretariat, and other key partners; Provide strategic GEF and technical guidance for successful project design; Coordinate and ensure compliance of WWF and GEF standards throughout project development

  • Implementation: Supervise and provide implementation support of WWF GEF projects in coordination with WWF offices, governments, and other key partners; Support project teams in adaptive management, troubleshooting, reporting, and other implementation management duties; Coordinate and ensure compliance of WWF and GEF standards throughout project implementation; Complete GEF Agency project reporting

  • Representation: Represent WWF GEF Agency at internal and external meetings including project and program steering committee meetings/missions, as well as trainings, workshops, and key international events; Active participation in GEF Secretariat task forces and other ad hoc committees

  • Coaching: Coach WWF Network, government, and other key partners in understanding of GEF institutions, policies, procedures and tools for the development of transformative ideas into WWF GEF projects and programs in line with GEF priorities

  • WWF GEF Agency Support: Build overall effectiveness and operation of the WWF GEF Agency by contributing to guidance notes and templates, as necessary

  • Build relationship with GEF Secretariat and other key GEF stakeholders

  • Other duties as assigned.

Africa’s Ocean Innovation Summit pitch opportunity!

Africa’s Ocean Innovation Summit pitch opportunity!


Ocean Innovation Africa is looking for African-based startups (or operating in Africa with local offices) with disruptive business models and/or innovative products and services with direct or indirect positive impact on the oceans to feature in the pitch competition at Ocean Innovation Africa 2020.

Know of a potential startup? Let them know!

Read more here

Job Opportunity: Fundraising Officer, Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust

Job Opportunity: Fundraising Officer, Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust


The Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust–PONT is a German conservation trust fund dedicated to conserving the PrespaOhrid ecoregion and its rich natural and cultural heritage by providing effective long-term funding support to

the national parks and conservation organizations in the region.

PONT is looking for a passionate, organized multi-tasker and creative Fundraising Officer for one year to develop and implement a Fundraising strategy.

Read more here

Directors for the CORB Fund


The Cubango-Okavango River Basin is one of the jewels of Africa, recognized globally as one of the world’s greatest natural wonders – with a unique inland delta teeming with wildlife and epitomized by its status as a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site) and UNESCO’s 1,000th World Heritage Site. The countries of Angola, Botswana and Namibia jointly established the Cubango-Okavango River Basin Fund (CORB Fund), as a Company Limited by Guarantee in Botswana to sustain the integrity of this vast and important ecosystem together with the people who live within it. The CORB Fund is a fully independent hybrid fund that aims to enhance livelihoods, improve ecosystem resilience and provide equitable benefits to the riparian states of Angola, Botswana and Namibia, in their shared river basin. The Fund now seeks four highly motivated and experienced people to join the Board of Directors and help to protect the culture and nature of the Okavango and ensure the endurance of its people. The invitation for consideration to join the Board is now available on the OKACOM website and all individuals interested in becoming a part of this exciting and important new member of the conservation finance community can find the information for the Director positions at this web link:


Job Posting: Senior Environmental Specialist (World Bank Group)

The World Bank is seeking to recruit a Senior Environmental Specialist based in Washington DC.  The work program for this position will focus on providing technical leadership on biodiversity and wildlife management program, managing an analytical work program (studies), and providing technical advice globally on matters related to ecology and wildlife management to World Bank lending program as needed.  There is also an expectation that in time the candidate would be required to become proficient in the Bank’s environmental and social framework (ESF) and to become an accredited environmental risk management specialist for projects that have complex ecological challenges.