Jobs and Consultancies

CFA is seeking an Intern!

The Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA) is the leading global professional alliance of conservation finance experts, practitioners, and organizations.  The CFA’s mission it to promote awareness, expertise, and innovation in conservation finance globally.  Our internships are extremely interesting and technical.  Please follow the link to the advertisement below and share with potential candidates. Please note, this is an unpaid position. 

Short Term Consultancy - Business Development Consultant for SeyCCAT

The GOS-UNDP-GEF Programme Coordination Unit (PCU) within the Ministry of Environment is implementing a GEF funded project entitled “Seychelles Protected Areas Finance” (PAF).
Under Activity 2.3.1. the PAF project aims to support the implementation of Seychelles’ Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT),  under activity 2.3.2. the funding needs of Protected Area Systems (PAS) are duly articulated in the creation and management of environmental finance mechanisms in Seychelles, including the SeyCCAT, and they have become mainstreamed.

The PAF project seeks to recruit a business development consultant to undertake a review of the SeyCCAT business model and evaluate possible opportunities that can exist to grow both the annually disbursed Grants Fund and the budget for administration and operations.

Experienced Consultant (WWF) - Brazilian Atlantic Forest

World Wildlife Fund is looking for an experienced consultant to conduct a feasibility study to establish a fund for landscape restoration in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The consultant will assess existing legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks, identify levels of interest and potential roles of different stakeholders, analyze fundraising potential and options for design of financing instruments including blended finance investments, and develop recommendations for design and governance of the restoration fund. The ideal candidate has experience in evaluating and designing grant-based as well as investment funds. To receive the detailed Terms of Reference and application information, please send an e-mail to

Portfolio Management Consultant (SDG Finance)

The Fund supports countries as they accelerate their progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It operates through a series of Calls for the United Nations (UN) system that lead to the implementation of transformative Joint Programmes (JPs), under the leadership of Resident Coordinators (RCs). In doing so the Fund is committed to forge paths and partnerships that unlock public and private capital for the SDGs at scale

The Joint SDG Fund launched in December 2019 its first Call for Proposals [link to download] on SDG Financing. The Call has two components. Component 1 is about the development of SDG-aligned financing strategies and related capacities for implementation, while Component 2 is about catalyzing investment at scale for the SDGs.

This vacancy is about the provision of support to the UN Joint SDG Fund (the Fund) on grant and portfolio management.

Duties and Responsibilities

Support quality joint programme implementation and monitoring (60%)

Support innovation and learning, and communicating joint programme results (30%)

Support to stakeholder collaboration (10%)


Solicitation of Proposals for an Independent Financial Advisor for “La Fondation pour le Tri-National de la Sangha”

The La Fondation pour le Tri-National de la Sangha (“FTNS”) is a private foundation established as a Charity under English law with permission to operate in Cameroon, where its headquarters are located. The FTNS was established in 2007 with the purpose to provide sustainable financial support for the conservation of the Sangha Trinational (“TNS”) which is a transboundary forest complex including three contiguous protected areas: the Lobeke National park (Cameroon), Nouabalé Ndoki (Republic of Congo) and the Protected Areas of Dzanga Sangha (Central African Republic).

In accordance with its “Manuel de Procedures Administratives, Comptables, Financieres et Budgetaires Specifiques”, the FTNS intends to procure and contract an Independent Financial Advisor (the “Advisor”) by means of a competitive, fair and transparent Solicitation Procedure.
The FTNS now invites Proposals by interested and qualified firms and individuals. The Solicitation procedure is implemented by a Tender Agent on behalf of the FTNS. Interested firms and individuals may contact the Tender Agent Rene Meyer by email to obtain the Terms of Reference and more details about the Solicitation Procedure.

Proposals may be submitted until June 15th, 2020, 6 pm (West Africa Standard Time). Please view the flyer here.        

Individual Consultant position with Birdlife International

São Tomé & Príncipe Sustainable Finance Plan for Biodiversity and Protected Areas International Expert(s) in Biodiversity & Protected Area Finance.

Birdlife International is looking for a consulting company or an individual consultant to prepare a Sustainable Finance Plan for Biodiversity and Protected Areas for São Tomé & Príncipe that will include a Protected Areas System Finance Needs and Gaps Assessment, Feasibility/Viability Studies, Implementation Design / Revenue management Model and Promotion Plan, considering the regional specificity for the Autonomous Region of Príncipe. 

Read more about this opportunity by vising the official posting here.

Photo taken by Pablo Gonzalez (

Caribbean Biodiversity Fund EBA Second Call For Proposals Is Open

The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) has opened its Second Call for Proposals, through the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Facility (the EbA Facility). The EbA Facility is requesting project proposals with a focus on EbA actions that help people adapt to adverse effects of climate change, reduce disaster risk, and build resilient ecosystems and economies.

Applications are accepted until May 31th, 2020. Please consult the CBF website for further details on the application process.

Painting by Nick Kenrick (

Call for Proposals: Blue Carbon Project Development

The Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility (BNCFF) supports the development of sound, investable projects that support coastal habitats and have clear ecosystem service benefits. BNCFF aims, in particular, at demonstrating the feasibility of tapping into the wealth of coastal ecosystems – ‘blue natural capital’ – to create appropriate risk-return profiles for funding providers and to protect and enhance the underlying habitat at the same time.

In order to kickstart blue carbon project initiatives to generate tradeable carbon credits or use other results-based finance schemes, BNCFF offers seed funding to pay for feasibility assessments or early project development.

Read more about this Call for Proposals, or download the Project Submission Form by visiting the Call for Proposals page.

Photo taken by Mike Trimble (

Become a Pioneer in landscape sustainability with LANDSCALE

LANDSCALE is looking for pioneers in landscape sustainability to test v0.2 of the assessment framework which consists of a set of criteria and indicators to track landscape sustainability outcomes across a range of issues including environmental, socioeconomic, governance, and production. The new version of the assessment framework will be even more practical and relevant, thanks to feedback received in our first public consultation and field testing to date by our existing pilots. 

The application deadline to become an Innovator Pilot is May 1st, 2020.

More information is available at their website or on this downloadable flyer.

Biodiversity Guidance Consultation

Take Part in the Biodiversity Guidance Consultation offered by the Natural Capital Coalition.

Running until May 1st 2020, this consultation opportunity supports businesses in incorporating biodiversity into their decision making. The guidance has been developed working alongside leaders at Cambridge Conservation Initiative, together with front running business. Please use the opportunity of the public consultation to contribute and help us all to conserve and enhance the natural world on which we all depend.

The intention is for this Guidance to form an online tool. However, during this consultation, the Guidance is presented as a series of separate documents on the online platform Collaborase.

To take part in the consultation you will need to register for each Guidance document following the links below:

Introduction and Decision Tree

Framing Guidance

Scoping Guidance

Measuring & Valuing Guidance

Application Guidance

Further information on how to take part in the consultation can be found here.