Events and Webinars

Conservation Strategy Fund Offering NUMBERS for NATURE: Economics & Finance for Environmental Leadership Course

Conservation Strategy Fund in collaboration with CFA is offering a one-week version of our flagship two-week international training course in Washington DC this summer.

I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and spread the word to folks who would like a greater degree of literacy in conservation economics. After taking this course, participants will understand how, with the proper use of economic tools, we can achieve better outcomes for nature AND people.

This sought after course will be held from July 13-17, and will include other professionals from around the world. 

More information is available at this link or on this downloadable flyer.

Upcoming CFA Webinar: A research and policy agenda for establishing a “Blue Fund” for the conservation and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems in Costa Rica

Date: January 15th 2020

Time: 12pm EST

RSVP is kindly requested of all participants.

Costa Rica has ten times more marine area than terrestrial area, with a variety of marine and coastal ecosystems that provide valuable goods and services to society at many scales. Nevertheless, these ecosystems have been significantly degraded by unsustainable economic activities mainly because of the public good nature of marine and coastal ecosystem services. They are undervalued or not valued at all under current markets, and lack the appropriate institutions and mechanisms to internalize their value in order to better manage them. As a solution to this research and policy gap, the creation of the Blue Fund is proposed, a new PES scheme focused on marine and coastal ecosystems with the goal of conserving, enhancing and restoring them. To build this new scheme, a six-step process was designed.

GoTo Meeting Call-in Information

CFA Webinar: Blue Fund in Costa Rica with Marcello Hernandez
Wed, Jan 15, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

Access Code: 759-503-661

More phone numbers
Australia: +61 2 8355 1050
France: +33 170 950 594
Germany: +49 691 7489 928
New Zealand: +64 9 280 6302
Switzerland: +41 225 4599 78

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Upcoming CFA Webinar: Results of 2018 CTIS

Date: December 12th

Time: 12pm and 9pm EST

Katy Mathias, co-author of the Conservation Trust Investment Survey (CTIS) will share findings from the annual CTIS study for calendar year 2018. In addition, Katy will share some preliminary information from the forthcoming multi-year study of CTF investment data, drawing on the CTIS project's 13 years of data. The webinar will be held twice to accommodate as many time zones as possible.

Upcoming CFA Webinar: Project Finance for Permanence in Peru

Date: November 12th 2019

Time: 12pm EST

RSVP is kindly requested of all participants.

About 60% of Peruvian territory is covered by the Amazon rainforest, more than in any other country. With increasing pressures of deforestation, wildfires and land use change affecting the 38 protected areas in the Amazon region, the Peruvian government and conservation donors recognized the need for bold action to ensure the conservation of this important ecosystem. Partnering with the World Wildlife Fund, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Andes Amazon Fund, the Peruvian government applied and adapted the Project Finance for Permanence (PFP) approach to ensure sustainable financing and permanent conservation of 16.7 million hectares of the Peruvian Amazon. The PFP approach built institutional capacity and leveraged the power of a single closing agreement to secure commitments for US$ 140 million from private and public sources for a shared conservation goal. Join Carolin Planitzer from WWF and Cindy Vergel from the Protected Areas National Service - SERNANP to discuss the lessons learned from developing this large-scale initiative.

Further information as well as a link to register are available here.

Upcoming CFA Webinar - Blue Oceans Partners: harnessing the power of innovation to restore the health of our ocean October 16th, 12pm EDT

Addressing ocean challenges with traditional solutions, many of them infrastructure-based, requires trillions of dollars that seem overwhelmingly difficult to mobilize. One complementary approach is to support innovations that can change the rules of the game, transforming the very ways we produce, consume and distribute. Such innovations have the potential to deliver competitive market returns to investors. They can therefore mobilize large amounts of private capital to scale and address the crisis rapidly.

Christian Lim, co-founder of Blue Oceans Partners, will present examples of such innovations, ready to scale now, explaining how they can achieve system level impact for the ocean. Examples will include alternative feeds for aquaculture, sustainable aquaculture technologies, solutions to ghost nets, solutions to plastic microfiber pollution, technologies that enhance the efficiency of Marine Protected Areas, and innovations that enable the transition to a circular plastics economy. Christian will discuss Ocean One, the fund Blue Oceans Partners has launched to invest in innovations that help solve the challenges of overfishing and plastic pollution.

Upcoming Webinar: Financing Coral Reef Conservation and Management: Conservation Trust Funds and Impact Investing

Presented by: David Meyers of the Conservation Finance Alliance and Nicolas Pascal of Blue finance
This webinar will be offered at two different times:

Description: Coral reefs provide enormous economic value to humanity and are gaining increasing attention from donors, philanthropists, and governments. This webinar will explore the use of Conservation Trust Funds and Impact Investing to support coral reef conservation. Conservation Trust Funds (CTFs) are private, legally independent institutions that provide sustainable financing for biodiversity conservation. Impact Investing is investing in companies, organizations, and funds with the intention of generating measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Specifically, the webinar will discuss how protected area, national, and regional CTFs can raise, manage, and invest financing for coral reef conservation and restoration. The webinar will also review how impact investing can be used to manage coral reef areas through public private partnerships. This webinar is sponsored by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), an informal partnership which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world, as part of its collaboration with the Conservation Finance Alliance for promoting innovative financing for coral reef conservation.
Co-sponsors: OCTO (OpenChannels, The Skimmer, MPA News, EBM Tools Network) and the Reef Resilience Network

Photo by: Catlin Seaview Survey

Webinar Recap: Financing Coral Reef Conservation and Management with Tourism-Related Tools

This webinar originally aired on 17 July, 2019.

Coral reefs provide enormous economic value to humanity, and their value for recreation is one of the easiest to capture financially. This webinar will explore the range of existing and emerging tools that protected areas and site managers can use to capture funds from tourism for conservation and management. Specifically the webinar will discuss the use of: 1) entry, activity, and special use fees; 2) commercial concessions; 3) departure taxes; 4) partnerships with hotels; and 5) voluntary donations. This webinar is sponsored by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), an informal partnership which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world, as part of its collaboration with the Conservation Finance Alliance for promoting innovative financing for coral reef conservation.

Presented by: David Meyers of the Conservation Finance Alliance

Co-sponsors: OCTO (OpenChannels, The Skimmer, MPA News), the EBM Tools Network (co-coordinated by OCTO and NatureServe), and the Reef Resilience Network



Click here to download a copy of this webinar from OCTO’s Vimeo page

Click here to watch this video on YouTube


Upcoming CFA Webinar: The Climate is Changing - So Should your Conservation Investment Strategies.

As conservation funders, we need to ensure that our financial investments remain durable and sustainable in the long-term given the impact of climate change. As conservation practitioners, we need to ensure our actions are targeted enough to help our conservation targets persist through climate changes. Findings from WCS's new report co-written by scientists and funders for conservation funders, "Managing Risks to Conservation Investments Through Climate Adaptation: A Practical Guide for Funders" reaches both audiences. It is an incredible product of a strong scientist-funder partnership that spells out how to "climate-proof" a portfolio for long-lasting, wise investments. The report also helps practitioners who are already conducting adaptation work articulate the ways in which they are valuable stewards of limited conservation dollars. The findings will no doubt resonate with funders with a conservation mission seeking to make lasting investments.

The Guide for Funders is available for download here.

Join Elizabeth Tully and Dr. Molly Cross to discuss these topics on July 18th. Register by visiting the CFA Website. GoTo Meeting Call in Information is included below.

CFA Webinar: The climate is changing - so should your conservation investment strategies.
Thu, Jul 18, 2019 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129

Access Code: 751-360-229

More phone numbers
Australia: +61 2 8355 1050
France: +33 170 950 594
Germany: +49 692 5736 7317
New Zealand: +64 9 280 6302
Switzerland: +41 225 4599 78

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Environmental Markets and Finance Summit Oct 29-31, 2019 | Mandarin Oriental Hotel | Washington, D.C.

Join AEMI and Forest Trends for a high-level gathering of public, private, and philanthropic communities in forestry, carbon, ecological restoration, water resources management, and corporate sustainability.

Connect and network with leaders from corporations, local, state and federal agencies, regulators, consultants, providers, and users of offsets, policymakers, nonprofits and universities.

This working summit will advance natural infrastructure and tools that address climate change, including:

  • Leveraging public, private, and philanthropic investments in natural infrastructure for disaster resilience

  • Cross-boundary public and private investments for habitat, climate and water quality

  • Adapting market tools and methodologies for supply chain management of impacts on climate, biodiversity, communities, and water.

  • Market-based mechanisms and strategies

  • Investment strategies with multiple benefits for climate, water, biodiversity, and communities

For further information and to register for the Summit please visit their website.

Upcoming Webinar: Financing Coral Reef Conservation and Management with Tourism-Related Tools

Presented by: David Meyers of the Conservation Finance Alliance

Coral reefs provide enormous economic value to humanity, and their value for recreation is one of the easiest to capture financially. This webinar will explore the range of existing and emerging tools that protected areas and site managers can use to capture funds from tourism for conservation and management. Specifically the webinar will discuss the use of: 1) entry, activity, and special use fees; 2) commercial concessions; 3) departure taxes; 4) partnerships with hotels; and 5) voluntary donations. This webinar is sponsored by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), an informal partnership which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world, as part of its collaboration with the Conservation Finance Alliance for promoting innovative financing for coral reef conservation.

Co-sponsors: OCTO (OpenChannels, The Skimmer, MPA News), the EBM Tools Network (co-coordinated by OCTO and NatureServe), and the Reef Resilience NetworkConservation Finance Alliance
 This webinar will be offered at two different times:·      

Viewing 1: Wednesday, July 17, Noon US EDT/9 am US PDT/4 pm UTC·      

Viewing 2: Wednesday, July 17, 9 pm US EDT/6 pm US PDT (Thursday, July 18, 9 am Australian WST/11 am Australian EST/1 am UTC)


·       Viewing 1:

·       Viewing 2:

Photo Credit: Warren Baverstock