Events and Webinars

Lestari Capital Webinar

Lestari Capital and its first product, The Sustainable Commodities Compensation Mechanism (SCCM) unlocks market-linked finance to conserve and rehabilitate the world’s most at-risk landscapes. Lestari Capital engineers solutions for leading agro-commodities, transportation and energy companies, leveraging the same market forces that drive revenues in these sectors to provide new investment capital for environmental initiatives.

Working together closely with industry sustainability organizations, Lestari Capital develops market mechanisms that help individual companies meet their commitments for certification and membership. Instead of a project-centric approach, Lestari Capital addresses the other half of the equation by driving and aggregating new demand for conservation, ecosystem services and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

On September 26th, Lestari Capital will be hosting a webinar to open discussion on SCCM with CFA members. Registration will open in a few days and a follow up email will be sent out to our network with the information necessary to join in.

More information on Lestari Capital is available here, and, if you would like to learn more about SCCM a fact sheet is available for download.

OXFAM Webinar: Learning from Extractive Industry Negotiations with Indigenous Peoples

OXFAM, Conservation International, and Rainforest Foundation invite you to attend a panel discussion with Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh.

The webinar is titled: Let’s Make a Deal? Learning from Extractive Industry Negotiations with Indigenous Peoples. The webinar will take place at Oxfam America on Tuesday, July 18, from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. (Oxfam America Office, 1101 17th St NW, Suite 1300, Washington, DC 20036.)

Professor O’Faircheallaigh has over two decades of experience working with indigenous peoples on agreement making, and will share key findings from his analysis of 45 negotiations between indigenous peoples and mining companies in Australia and Canada. Discussants will comment on their varied experiences with negotiation processes around extractive industry projects and will consider the potential for drawing on best practice from industrialized countries for application to developing countries.


  • Anne Marie Sam, First Nations Women Advocating Responsible Mining, Canada
  • Vichet Mong, Highlanders Association, Cambodia
  • Prabindra Shakya, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
  • Ximena Warnaars, Ford Foundation, USA (moderator)

You can RSVP here for the Oxfam presentation in-person or livestream. For more information, please contact Kate Stanley at OXFAM. The event will be available via livestream here.

Webinar by the ILCN

This coming Wednesday, March 22nd, the International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) will be hosting a webinar on what the Paris Climate Agreement means for land conservation organizations. 

The Paris Climate Agreement marked a historic moment in our collective fight against climate change. Since that time, and, particularly, at the recent COP in Marrakesh, countries have been working to frame their climate change pledges.

Considering these developments, how can land conservation organizations help their countries to meet their climate goals? Will the Paris Agreement lead to new funding sources? How should an organization start thinking about integrating carbon accounting into their projects? 

Join the ILCN and carbon finance experts on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 11:00 am EST for a crash course on how land conservation organizations can engage in climate change adaption and mitigation within the framework of the Paris Climate Agreement. 

For further information on who will be involved and what topics will be covered, please take a look at the invitation. If you know you would like to attend you may also register here.