ClimateWorks Australia

NGO based in Australia


ClimateWorks Australia develops expert, independent and practical solutions to assist the transition to net-zero carbon emissions for Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. A non-profit organisation, ClimateWorks was co-founded in 2009 by The Myer Foundation and Monash University and works within Monash Sustainable Development Institute. ClimateWorks acts as a bridge between research and action, analysing net zero pathways and advising governments, businesses and investors to facilitate conditions that support the transition to a prosperous, net zero emissions future. ClimateWorks has a team based in Jakarta, and Monash will soon be the first international university with campuses in Indonesia.

Living Reefs Foundation

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Non-profit based in Bermuda

Living Reefs Foundation is a Not for Profit Organization and the first charity of its kind in Bermuda, dedicated to active coral restoration and conservation of the Atlantic’s northernmost reef ecosystem. The Foundation was formed with the approval of the Ministry of Environment, and is endorsed by the Bermuda National Trust. The board of the Foundation provides in-house expertise with more than 20 years experience in marine sciences, environmental management, corporate governance and fund management. Our mission is twofold: 1) To ACT to restore damaged reefs by developing scientifically-based, practical cost-effective tools, and 2) To develop a self-sustaining financial mechanism to ensure continuity in coral restoration/conservation. The Foundation’s signature project ‘The Coral Garden Initiative’ serves to raise awareness, engage visitors and residents, and provides a scientific and educational tool in coral conservation.

International Land Conservation Network


Organization based in the United States

The International Land Conservation Network connects organizations and people around the world that accelerate voluntary private and civic sector action to protect and steward land and water resources. The ILCN works across scales with organizations and networks large and small on six continents to share knowledge and leverage expertise in five focus areas: Conservation Finance, Conservation Law and Policy, Organization and Governance, Land Stewardship and Management, and Large Landscape Conservation.

Bearfeldt: Global Reforestation


Private Company in Germany

At Bearfeldt we are passionate about nature and the world around us. We strongly believe in the creativity and diligence of mankind to master the results, effects and challenges of global warming. We advise various stakeholders in the field of carbon offsetting, including carbon projects and carbon certificates. To make a real impact on climate change, we see the largest potential in the design and implementation of reforestation and afforestation projects.

Coast Funds


Finance Institution in Canada

Coast Funds is a globally recognized model of Indigenous-led, permanent conservation finance that invests to strengthen the well-being of First Nations and the ecological integrity of the Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii regions of British Columbia, Canada. Founded with $118 million in 2007, Coast Funds is a partnership of private foundations and government. Coast Funds has invested more than $100 million into projects with First Nations, attracting more than $320 million in new investment to the region, since inception. For more information, visit:

Convergence: Blended Global Finance

NGO in Canada

Convergence is the global network for blended finance. We generate blended finance data, intelligence, and deal flow to increase private sector investment in developing countries. Our global membership includes public, private, and philanthropic investors as well as sponsors of transactions and funds. We offer this community a curated, online platform to connect with each other on blended finance transactions in progress, as well as exclusive access to tailored trainings and original knowledge products such as case studies and reports. Convergence offers a unique market acceleration opportunity for practitioners to secure feasibility study and proof of concept stage design funding to develop and launch catalytic blended finance vehicles that aim to attract private capital to sustainable development at scale. For example, Convergence currently manages the Asia Natural Capital Design Funding Window, which is funded by the RS Group.

Marine Ecosystems Protected Area Trust Inc.


NGO in Antigua & Barbuda

The Antigua and Barbuda National Conservation Trust Fund, MEPA Trust is a majority Non-Government Organization and its main mandate is to support marine and terrestrial conservation. Its mission is to work with multi-sectoral partners to catalyze and support the protection, recovery, and effective management of Antigua and Barbuda’s protected areas to build resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Mirova Natural Capital


Private Company in the United Kingdom

Mirova Natural Capital (Althelia Funds) is an impact investment manager that delivers financial returns that are fully aligned with the conservation of nature and sustainable social development. We leverage expertise and capital to define pathways for innovative solutions to the climate and environmental challenges facing society today. Mirova Natural Capital Ltd is the natural capital investment arm of Natixis Global Asset Management's affiliate Mirova, and will allocate more than 1 billion in assets under management to natural capital investing over the next 5 years through our platform of Althelia Funds. The merger of Mirova and Althelia brings together the required strategic vision and expertise to scale up the nascent but promising natural capital market, and serve institutional clients seeking market-level returns through high-impact investment solutions addressing major global environmental challenges such as climate change, protection of landscapes, biodiversity, soil and marine resources.

Fauna & Flora International


Global NGO

FFI protects threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing solutions that are sustainable, based on sound science and take account of human needs. Operating in more than 40 countries worldwide, FFI saves species from extinction and habitats from destruction, while improving the livelihoods of local people. Founded in 1903, FFI is the world’s longest established international conservation body and a registered charity.

NET Africa


NGO in Belgium

The objective of NET Africa is to work in partnership with key stakeholders who are engaged in understanding the interactions between the economy and the environment. We focus on developing financial/investment solutions and innovations to address biodiversity challenges in Africa. Biodiversity finance and investment can be directed towards climate change mitigation and adaptation. We work in partnership with a number of key stakeholders with an interest in the interactions between biodiversity and the economy. We have a particular interest in the interactions between biodiversity, gender and the economy in Africa. Examples of projects under biodiversity finance: - Carbon Offset Projects - actors or key stakeholders invest in a forest, conservation, and afforestation for compensating the destruction of the atmosphere caused by greenhouse gas emissions. - Biodiversity Offset Projects - actors invest in the creation of equivalent forest habitat for a specific species.

Rejuvenate! Umhlaba

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Private Company in Zimbabwe

Rejuvenate! Umhlaba is a land restoration company that was founded in 2019. Umhlaba is a word meaning land in many Southern African languages and our name resonates with our deep seated desire to ensure that land in Africa is revived and productive, supporting the blooming African population and beyond. We are developing an exchange for land restoration where companies that have a net negative impact on the land buy a share which entitles them to 1 hectare of land rehabilitated by us and other restorers. The rehabilitation itself includes improving soil structure of arable lands to increase productivity, planting trees in deforested areas, wetland rehabilitation and gully reclamation. As a result of our interventions, local communities increase their productive capacity and improve their livelihoods. There is also less expansion into forest land. Our corporate clients continue to operate as they should, but their land degradation footprint is reduced thereby contributing to SDG 15- Life on Land. Because our market is localised, companies know where their money is invested, they can see the work they are supporting and they can measure their impact on the local communities they work in. Our work directly or indirectly impacts on the following SDGs

Fondo Agua Yaque del Norte


NGO in the Dominican Republic

El Fondo Agua Yaque del Norte es una institución sin fines de lucro que funciona como una plataforma público privada diseñada para canalizar recursos de inversión destinados a la preservación de los servicios ecosistémicos de provisión de agua en la cuenca del río Yaque del Norte a los fines de aportar a la seguridad hídrica de la ciudad de Santiago y otras zonas de la región.

1000 Mermaids Artificial Reef Project


Foundation in the United States

The 1000 Mermaids Artificial Reef Project & Gallery of 1000 Mermaids is a monumental public EcoArt project in the form of an artificial reef installation that will also serve as an underwater eco-friendly destination for tourism & research. Its mission is to enhance marine habitats and expand fishery populations while providing enhanced creative, economic and educational opportunities for the benefit, education and enjoyment of residents, students and visitors alike. Mermaids have long been a symbol of humans’ connection to the Ocean, and this artificial reef is being created by body casting real people in the form of mermaids on ocean friendly artistically crafted reef modules that will allow their likeness to live forever on the sea floor off of Fort Lauderdale beach.

Human Nature


International Conservation Network

Connecting people for the planet, re-imagining the potential of conservation, and giving nature some of the credit which it is due are just a few of the key principles which drive our vision forwards. Our volunteer base promotes empowerment and leadership within the field for all interested persons and in doing so creates a new form of community conservation.

BRL Engineering

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Private Company in France

BRL Ingénierie is a leading consulting firm in environment and biodiversity management, both in France and on the international scene. For over 20 years, BRL Ingénierie has been working side by side with managers, local authorities, institutions and financing organizations providing expertise and advice on public policy and the operational management of biodiversity and natural resources.

Fondo de Inversión Ambiental Sostenible

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Organization in Ecuador

The Sustainable Environmental Investment Fund (FIAS) is a private entity created on September 6th, 2017 through an executive order. FIAS is a non-profit organization, with legal identity, governed by the Ecuadorian Civil Code. FIAS is embodied as the financial mechanism for environmental management in Ecuador. Our mission is to support the financing of environmental management, with actions such as the protection, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity. Also, we support the management of environmental quality and mitigation/adaptation to climate change.