Practice Standards for CTFs

2020 Revision - Review and Comment Period

Thank you for providing feedback on the 2020 Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds.

The project’s goals were to gather initial feedback on how the Standards are being used since being first published in 2013, to make updates to the existing Standards based on that input, and to incorporate content on Risk Management and Safeguards, Human Resources, Communications, and Information Technology.

The draft document reflects input from CTF leaders, donors, NGOs and consultants, as well as feedback from a global survey of CTFs. Kudos to the consulting team of Paquita Bath and Wolfs Company for their impressive work, and many thanks to the CTF Projects Task Force for their input and feedback.

The current review and comment period is open until April 21 – please provide your feedback using the form below, by close of business on that date. The Environmental Funds Working Group will meet on April 24 to discuss feedback and input. The CTF Projects Task Force will then reach final decisions on the Standards in early May, so that the document can be finalized and released by June or July of 2020.

A PDF of the full text of the Practice Standards is available for download below. In addition, the following materials can be downloaded to provide additional context:

• A summary of the major changes from the 2013 version and the rationale for those changes

• A transposition table that shows the 2020 Standards and 2013 Standards in comparison

• A PDF showing the changes to the text of the 2013 version of the Standards


CTFs 2020 Practice Standards (draft 4.6.2020)



Transposition table of the practice standards (Annex 2)



Markup of changes made in 2020 version compared to 2013 version



Summary of key changes from 2013 to 2020



Feedback Mechanism: