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Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility

June 11th

Please join us for another very insightful CFA Webinar, hosted by our Marine and Coastal Finance Working Group. The webinar will feature the Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility, and will focus on recently released report : Blue Infrastructure Finance: A new approach, integrating Nature-based Solutions for coastal resiliencePlease find a short description of the paper, and make sure to RSVP to receive the link to the webinar.

All coastal and marine ecosystems are critical to human well-being and global biodiversity. But urban and rural infrastructure developments are having a heavy negative impact on these systems, and it is increasing over time.
Habitats like tidal mangrove forests, seagrasses and coral reefs, can help to make infrastructure investments better, more resilient and financially more attractive. These are known as Nature-based Solutions (NbS). Financial mechanisms are needed to support a shift away from infrastructure investments with unclear or negative impacts on nature towards those providing clean water and energy, flood and erosion control, etc. The developments must also preserve and enhance their coastal and marine environments.
We present new finance solutions integrating Blue Natural Capital, a critical tool for this transition.

D. Herr (IUCN, Moderator)
S. Crooks (Silverstrum)
T. Thiele (Global Ocean Trust)