Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Fund Network
Representatives from six Conservation Trust Funds in the Asia-Pacific region met in Jakarta, Indonesia in early December 2017 to form the Asia-Pacific Conservation Trust Fund Network, to be known as “APNET.”
The new network, modeled on RedLAC and CAFÉ, will serve as a collaborative and knowledge-sharing platform for CTFs in the Asia-Pacific region, and will help to facilitate linkages with CTFs in other parts of the world.
Six founding members came together over three days in Jakarta, ably hosted by Yayasan KEHATI, to formally create the network, ratify the governing principles, elect the first Executive Committee, and select the Host Institution to house the Secretariat.
Vision and Mission
APNET is organized to achieve the Vision that Conservation Trust Funds make the greatest possible contribution to a vibrant and healthy natural environment and sustainable communities in the Asia-Pacific region. Its Mission is to provide a common platform to promote and facilitate partnerships and collaboration among the members and the wider community of organizations working to achieve a vibrant and healthy environment and sustainable communities in the Asia-Pacific region.
APNET’s Purpose is to:
• Facilitate partnerships and collaboration among members and with similar organizations and networks
• Facilitate capacity building, knowledge sharing, and use of best practices
• Generate and mobilize resources to support the network’s efforts
• Communicate the work of the network and its members to stakeholders
APNET operates with a Core Value of sharing and advocating for a healthy natural environment and sustainable communities.
Founding Members
Tasmanian Land Conservancy
Executive Committee
M.S. Sembiring (President)
Lisa Ranahan Andon
Pema Choephyel
Jane Hutchinson
Farid Uddin Ahmed
Start-Up Sponsors